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Religious Education (RE)

RE Curriculum aims/intends to:

    • Use an enquiry-based model well to ensure that children’s critical thinking skills can be developed and increase their motivation to learn.
    • Develop and enhance children’s knowledge and understanding of, and have empathy with people and their beliefs, religious or otherwise
    • Provide opportunities for children to share their faith and belief with others through formal learning opportunities, memorable experiences, visitors, visits and enrichment activities that take place inside and outside the classroom
    • Inform and develop skills with which evaluation of religion and belief can take place
    • Celebrate the different religious groups we have as part of our school community


    Our knowledge rich curriculum reflects the 'Discovery Agreed Syllabus' which advocates a 4-step approach to ensure depth, accurate subject knowledge, detailed planning and building on prior learning. This focuses on critical thinking skills, on personal reflection into the child’s own thoughts and feelings, on growing subject knowledge and nurturing spiritual development.




 Discovery Information for Parents Booklet.pdfDownload
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